Game 13 - Battle Beyond The Stars - 28th May 2021
Captain's Log Stardate 57750.00
Mission To Andoria
After the exposure and torture on Romulus, Janeway tried to haul me over the coals and tell me that if were not on a covert mission and if he didn’t have friends in the Admiralty, I would be facing a court martial for my actions. I didn't get where I am today by taking flack from Admirals, no matter how famous they are. I gave as good as I got, pointing out some of her dubious decisions in the Delta Quadrant. She didn't like that much.
Andoria is in a state of political turmoil. The birth rate amongst Andorians has fallen so low that the population is now in decline. Low fertility and the growing instability of family groupings are though to be contributing to this. The decline in birth rate has given rise to the Andoria First political movement led by Zhad Ch’Mecro. He is standing for President of Andoria on a platform of withdrawal from the Federation. At first he was ignored as an idiot, but over the last couple of months, he has become more and more popular, with 30% of Andorians now supporting him. Zhad’s message is that the Federation is taking the best of Andoria’s resources and that by withdrawing from the Federation and Starfleet, Andoria will be able to deal direct with the Ferengi and Klingons. Zhad is also reigniting the old anti-Vulcan sentiment, blaming them for many of Andoria’s ills.
Our mission is to travel to Andoria and search for an Iconian Gateway. We have two mission directives:
Take control of the Iconian gateway
Don’t inflame the political situation any further
As long as we stay away from anything political, it shouldn't be too hard.
Orbital Defense Platform
As we entered the Andoria system, we noted a total lack of communications with the moon of Andoria. As we entered orbit, a nearby Orbital Defense Platform came to life, just as the USS Perseus came into view. We were unable to raise the Perseus, but a scan of the Platform seemed to open us up to some kind of damned computer virus! Ana set to work combatting the virus and trying to contain it.
Further scans showed some kind of distortion field covering the entire moon of Andoria. Just as we were thinking that this was damned irregular, the Perseus lurched to the starboard and opened fire with Quantum torpedoes. The torpedoes missed the mark by some distance, which made us wonder about who was running Tactical!
We raised shields and took evasive action. The platform scanned us as the Perseus lurched forwards. We still had no communications, so we started shooting at the Perseus weapons systems. Tren called up the schematics for the Platform so we could see what we were up against.
The Platform fired Quantum Torpedoes at us and we knew that we were in trouble. Ana hit upon the idea of trying the command Prefix for the Platform and trying to remotely shut it down. I'm glad she's back with us, because she worked another one of her scientific miracles! She needed time to complete the sequence, so that's what we gave her. The Perseus began to show signs of a warp core breach!
We traded phasers and Quantums for several minutes as we dodged the enemy fire. Ana eventually cracked the Platform encryption, entered the prefix code and shut it down.
As we turned our attention to assisting the Perseus, our sister ship lurched into reverse and the warp core containment finally gave out and breached! I've never seen a ship go from operational to warp core breach in such a short time.
As the dust settled, Ana theorised that the virus could be similar to the Iconian virus that destroyed the USS Yamato on Stardate 42609.1. Is there anything we could have done to save them...?
And the adventure continues...