Game 5 - In Space, No One Can Hear You Scream - 4th January 2021

Captain's Log Stardate 57678.2

Sugar And Spice And All Things Nice

The android looked the crew up and down. He remained silent.

We asked him who he was and he replied "Ruk.". He moved slowly and uncertainly into the room we were in. Most of our questions were met with the response "I do not know" or "My memory banks have been damaged over so long a time". We did glean from him that he is the custodian of this vessel and that it has been in flight for millenia. Ruk said that he was awaiting the return of the "Old Ones" and that they would return "when their slaves are ready for them". Despite being custodian of the vessel, Ruk appears to know almost nothing about its operation or how to repair it.

Wyrm Sign

We moved down the corridor that Ruk had entered through. It ended in what Calan explained was a backup power system. Calan again began repairs on the system. As soon as he started, a white wyrm-like creature, very similar to the one we encountered in the Temple slithered down from the ceiling. It appeared to be very annoyed at us and lashed out with its tentacles. As before, even on the highest settings, our phasers had no effect on it. M7 ran a medical scan and determined that it was similar in some respects to a Vulcan Slaarg wyrm. The Slaarg Wyrm is famously sensitive to high-pitched noises, and we were able to adjust our tricorders and frighten the creature away before it did any serious harm.

Calan finished his work and we discovered that power was at 40%.

Nothing Happened In Sector 83 By 9 By 12

As this corridor ended in a dead-end, the crew back-tracked and tried the west door from the chamber we arrived in. We discovered two more consoles in this room that could be used to restore a little more power. After a few tense moments, nothing happened, and Calan was able to restore power levels to 60%.

Ruk seemed a little more lively after this and I asked him about the Old Ones. He could remember a little more and he told us that The Old Ones inhabit a different and that they have an ancient enemy that they have fought across all reality. Ruk could not describe the Old Ones, but he was certain he would recognise one if he saw one.

Bare Androids

We travelled further west into what appeared to be the main power plant area. It was inhabited by five skeletal androids. They appeared to be dumbly trying to repeat the same futile maintenance processes over and over again. We decided not to effect any repairs in this area and leave them alone.

Captain On The Bridge

Moving to the South, we discovered what appeared to be a bridge area. As we entered Ruk assumed a position on top on a dais which he said was his position. Two consoles dominated the remainder of the area. Calan started to use the consoles to restore further power, but as he did so, six creatures emerged from curtains of black oil that suddenly appeared.

Thavliss shot first and the creatures swarmed around him in a pack. Only one of them was distracted as I shot at it. Again, our weapons seemed useless against them, but their assaults on us were lethal. Thavliss was lethally injured, but we noticed that the creatures shied from the light of the phasers. We deduced that perhaps we could use strong light against them as a weapon. After a brief retuning of the Tricorder, we were able to destroy the creatures using light.

It's been an odd day, all in all.

We Need Bombs. Lots Of Bombs.

After the serious injuries inflicted on Thavliss, we decided to bring some heavy ordnance down from the Arizona. I'm not sure if Starfleet would approve, but we didn't want this vessel falling into enemy hands. With a heavy heart we started laying high yield explosives around the rooms we had been in. We were not sure what affect they would have, but it was our last ditch, desperate gamble if things got away from us.

We took Thavliss back to the shuttle in the meantime and got him patched up in the mini medbay there. He was in a bad way and he's going to have a permanent scar if M7 doesn't fix it up back on the Arizona.

Calan was also able to restore further power from the bridge consoles, taking the total to 80% power. Ruk was more forthcoming with information. He remember that the Old Ones were also known as the Marauders. He seemed to think that they had been away and were going to return to our galaxy.


We explored the Doomsday Machine further and we discovered what appeared to be a damaged Cryogenics section. Four stasis tubes were present. One of them was shattered and it looked like a shard of neutronium had skewered the occupant as it collapsed. All that remained of the occupant was a skeleton run through with the shard of neutronium.

And the adventure continues...