Game 30 - Hostage - 16th February 2022
Captain's Log Stardate 57770.01
Incoming Transmission
To: Commander Tren Brehal
From: Admiral Katherine Janeway
Our group of Starfleet irregulars has lost contact with Trill. You are the nearest rebel starship. Please set course for Trill at once an investigate. You can combine this mission with your search for remaining gateways.
We are still trying to discover where Starfleet has concealed the gateways from Andoria and the Borg. We will advise once we know more.
Clear Skies.
As we arrived in the Trill system, we were suddenly overtaken by a vision from the past. We were in a large chamber with eight other gateways and operators. The gateways erupted in a huge ball of energy, causing a devasting energy wave that disintegrated everything in its path. It forced closed and sealed an inter-dimensional rift through which a sun-size, writhing mass of tentacles was travelling. The energy wave caused the deaths of all of the gateway operators.
The gateway operators were:
· A Romulan
· A Klingon
· A Tellarite
· An Andorian
· A Bajoran
· A Trill
· A Human
· An unknown lifeform
· A Vulcan
The planet Trill was suffering extreme ion storms as we made orbit. Communication with the planet was impossible, but we did detect a distress call being emitted from a subjunction satellite in the orbiting weather control system. We detected a life form and extracted him from the tiny satellite. He explained that he was performing routine maintenance when for some reason, he was cut off from main weather control.
We scanned main weather control and discovered that it had been taken over by a hostage taker. He was a Trill and he appeared to be holding the crew of the station hostage in some kind of control room.
We determined that we needed to dock with the station and disable the weather control system and also release the force field surrounding the control room.
We encountered numerous problems such as a collapsing infrastructure, sickly survivors and rogue defense drones, but we were able to overcome all of these obstacles.
We breached the doors to the control room and found a Trill named Maz Rackham holding a rifle over the hostages. We engaged him in hand to hand combat and handily defeated him. That was the point at which we realised the hostages were infected with black oil...
And the adventure continues...