Game 28 - Deep Ones - 17th January 2022
Captain's Log Stardate 57760.02
Into The Labyrinth
I cannot describe my unease at descending the staircase into the depths of the monastery. The stale air and whispy cobwebs stirred ancient race memories within me of a time when dark caves concealed darker dangers... I shuddered briefly and put my fear to one side. We are, after all, Starfleet officers, even if we are temporarily disconnected from the formal chain of command.
The monastery crypt was several hundred years old with flagstones worn by the passing of thousands of feet. Various sturdy old wooden doors on iron hinges were closed. We cautiously opened the first to find two Bajoran monks resting within. Clearly the crypt served as their quarters. They were momentarily startled and I took advantage of their confusion to inform them that Vedik Wynn wished to see them. Evidently the Vedik is a force to be reckoned with in all universes as they moved rapidly to attend her upstairs. The subterfuge would not last long, and so we moved with a degree of intrepidity. We searched the cell, but found little of interest. Whatever else may be occurring here, the monastic lifestyle appeared to be genuine.
Several more times we encountered monks. Only once did they doubt our word and we had to rely on our mettle to resolve the situation.
Our noses wrinkled spontaneously at the growing aroma of rotting fish as we ventured deeper into the crypt. We wondered perhaps if the monks were failing in their culinary duties. We threw open the next door and discovered the source of the foul scent. On two stone platforms lay the rotting corpses of two creatures the like of which I have never seen. They appeared to be bipedal and humanoid, but with the features of fish. Gills, scales and webbed extremities were all in evidence. What manner of horror was this? Doctor Mabrin examined the poor wretched creatures and was easily able to determine that they were once Bajorans, but were now mutated by some nameless influence. We were unsurprised to learn of the residue of the black oil circulating in their bodies.
Dark Creatures
The damp smell of fish did not vanished as the foundations of the monastery gave way to some kind of cave system. It was pitch black in the darkness of the caves. Our first warning of not being alone was the unnerving sound of squelching feet across stone floors. The caves opened out into a larger chamber and suddenly, the fish creatures were upon us! They fought with raking claws, but our more modern weaponry held them at bay. They were numerous, but weak.
The Summoning
An ante-chamber from the larger cave was occupied by more of these creatures of the depths. The chanted in their guttaral dialect, with the occasional mesmerising, high-pitched declaration of "Tekelili, Mul-Cha!". Even the universal translator could not infer their degenerate mutterings. As we observed the ritual, a strange blue light seeped into the chamber, quickly giving way to the form of a cyclopean, gelatinous brain! This new monstrosity immediately consumed one of the deep ones that had summoned it, and then the creatures were upon us!
The creatures drove us back into the main cave where we sensed rather than saw the approach of many more of the deep ones. Tren explained that he sensed about twelve of the abominations.
The Emissary
A voice called to us from a nearby passageway and we decided upon that as our escape route. I decided to hold off our assailants whilst Mabrin and Tren investigated the voice. Mabrin quickly determined that it was the voice of Ben Sisko. He was a prisoner in one of the caves. Mabrin discovered that he was imprisoned due to a large hole (which looked like it descended all the way into the Bajoran hell) in front of his cell. Mabrin and Tren managed a combination of a daring leap which left Mabrin with a badly dislocated arm. They were able to assist Sisko from his confinement.
Most of this I learned afterwards as a I was seriously wounded by one of the fish creatures. Only Thavliss's quick reactions saved me and allowed the crew to spirit me away from the caves.
Sisko's Lab
There wasn't much time for explanations while I was unconscious, and Sisko led the crew from the caves via an underwater route. Mabrin's ministrations kept me alive in extraordinary circumstances, and I will be recommending him for a commendation when all this is over.
Mabrin was able to overcome his own injury and use Sisko's simple sick bay to tend to my wounds. As I came around, I marvelled at my surroundings. Sisko had concealed the Iconian Gateway and a dimensional transported beneath the lake in a transparent, underwater lab!
He began to give us instructions on operating the gateway (which required Bajoran DNA, but before he could complete his explanation, a goliath dark shape emerged from the inky blackness of the lake water. Coming towards us was a huge biped with fire for eyes and tentacles hanging from its mouth.
"This must be Mul'cha" I whispered the crew.
And the adventure continues...